Join the Diamond D Cowgirls National Champion Drill Team! With teams for all ages and disciplines, you can audition for a variety of different teams both competition and non competition teams. Learn more about each team here:
Riders auditioning for Competitition level teams will receive a basic and short drill pattern (8 maneuvers) to perform with a small group of other riders. Each group will have time to practice with their group walking through the pattern on foot and then riding through the pattern in the arena before they audition. Riders may also be asked to perform individual maneuvers separate from the routine.
Riders auditioning for Non Competition teams will ride in groups of 4-6 riders together in the arena and be asked to perfom individual specific skills needed in a drill team setting such as riding the rail consistetly, straight lines off the rail, disengaging the hindquarter, sidepassing etc.
*All audition results will be final based on score calculation and careful discussion between the judges. With over 12 years of experience riding and coaching drill teams of all levels, please trust that we are taking into consideration many elements of each riders abilities and skills to place them on a team that we feel they will best succeed with confidence and safety for the entire team. If you are not satisfied with the results of your riders placing, you have 24 hours to decline the position after the results have been sent out.
Audition Fee: $20 per rider
Auditions- Friday January 24th
5:00pm Check-in
Riders are assigned groups and horses and will have an alloted time to warm up before their audition begins.
5:30 Warm up horses
6:00 Practice Time in covered arena with assigned group
Immediately Following: Audition in covered arena with assigned group
Riders are able to choose multiple teams
when registering to increase their chances
of being on a team. During auditions, riders
will tryout for the more challening level
team of their choices. For example, riders
wishing to audition for both JV and Allstar
teams, will try out only once, at the Allstar
level. There is also an option to choose, as
your second choice, that if you do not make
your first choice team, you wish not to
participate in this season.
To learn more about Pricing, Performances and Requirements for each team please visit:
-To future Professional Diamond D Cowgirls and their friends and family: There is no smoking, swearing or drinking when in uniform at events, practices or anytime when wearing the team logo or riding with the team. The Diamond D Cowgirls are role models. We ride for the brand, we represent the brand, and most importantly, we are Cowgirls with Class!